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Naked-Eye Planets Align in Order June 20, 2022 ⬅︎
The five naked-eye planets -- Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn -- will be visible and in order in a very rare planetary alignment. They actually will be in order all month but Mercury will be too close to the sun to be easily viewed for most of the month. The best opportunities to view them all will be from June 20-27, when Mercury will be about 3° above the horizon -- about the width of one or two fingers held at arm's length -- while the sky is still dark enough for it to be viewed before the Sun rises.

For a chance to see all five, you'll need an unobstructed view of the eastern horizon as well as a pretty good view of the southern horizon. You'll also need to time this just right -- from 4:30 AM to about 4:45 AM.

Please resist the temptation to use a binocular or telescope to view Mercury since a rising sun may enter the field of view unexpectedly and damage eyes instantly.

Mercury info
Venus info
Mars info
Jupiter info
Saturn info
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